Porcelain Inlays and Onlays- Everything you need to know

Dentistry is a vast sector which includes a lot of procedures used for limiting and treating diseases related to gums, jaws, teeth and overall oral health. It is very important to have healthy oral health, as it affects the overall health of an individual. The diseases related to oral health may result in a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, headache, migraine, and diabetes. So, treating the cavities, gum related problems at an early stage is very important.

Dental inlays/Onlays is one of the restoration procedures used to repair rear teeth which are suffering from cavities or decay. Due to decaying, the tooth can be cracked, broken, fractured, and crooked. The inlays and onlays are the perfect treatment to treat these problems if the decay or the crack is not too severe. Inlays and Onlays are made from different materials, such as-  composite resin, porcelain, and sometimes gold. Porcelain Inlays and Onlays have replaced the traditional method of metal fillings. Moreover, it preferred by those who wish to have a natural-looking smile.


Inlays- Inlays are used if the teeth become damaged or decayed from inside. This cosmetic procedure can be done within two to three visits. During the first visit, the impression of the tooth will be taken and in the next visit, the installation of the inlay is done. For some days the temporary inlay is placed in the required place. After some days, if that temporary impression suits to the client then the permanent impression will be placed.   

Onlays- An Onlay is similar to an inlay, the difference is that the Onlay is a bit larger than the Inlay. An Onlay can repair the central part of the chewing surface of the tooth which gets infected due to cavities. Onlays are also placed in a similar manner as inlays. The impression of the tooth is taken on the first visit and a temporary Onlay is being placed over the tooth. After the proper fitting of the temporary Onlay, the permanent one is attached to the required place.

Benefits of Porcelain Inlay and Onlay- Inlays and Onlays are more reliable and a durable option which requires less time to place the, at the required place. As in some dental procedures like tooth removal, a lot of effort and pain is included to fulfill the whole procedure. In addition to this, they are less prone to discoloration over time as compared to dental procedures such as- crowns and fillings. The other benefits of Inlays and Onlays are- hygiene, tooth preservation, strength, and excellent fitting.

Looking for Porcelain Inlay and Onlay treatment? Contact- Esthetic Dental Group of Westport. To consult expert dentists, make a call at 203-227-3421 and fix an appointment.

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